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Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about the product and billing.
It depends on how dirty the clothes are and the hardness of the water but we recommend 2 strips (one sheet). In some cases, 1.5/2 sheets or 3/4 strips may be advisable if you live in a hard water area or if there are any particularly tough stains in your.

We would recommend 4 eco strips, 2 sheets for such a large load. It is advisable that if you live in a hard water area or if there are any particularly tough stains in your laundry to use an additional strip for optimal results.

You can look into our return policy in the following page (link) please link the policy page.

You can either message us via contact us or email us to and we will more than happy to assist you or resolve your enquiry.

The refund should be with you within a few days after processing the refund.

In the UK and Europe regions between 24/48 hours (depending at what time the order was placed). Other regions it may take between 3 to 5 days.

You can easily manage and put on hold your subscription in the members area.

Still have any questions? Let’s talk

If you still having any questions, feel free to contact us.